Elli Schlunke

Well, I was born in Melbourne in 1952. I have a Dip. Art - Graphic Art from RMIT. I came to Queensland and painted pictures, and a few signs. When I hit 40 I had a revelation - I wanted to work in 3-D. So as well as all the painting gear cluttering up my then tiny house, I added lots of sculpture stuff, and often a few sculptors as well. I jumped in the deep end and started to learn about bronze-casting first. Then ciment fondu, then ceramics, and lately mixed media.
I was chosen by Maroochy Shire Council to go to China for a large bronze project, which was very special. I've also worked at Woodford Folk Festival since 1993.
I oscillate between sculpting and painting, all the while continuing with my graphics work, which at times pays bills. I know that each of these disciplines has crossover influences on my work in the others.
In my work I'd rather make statements about life in a humorous way than by gettiing gloomy and serious. Life is too short for that.
In July 2014 I held my latest solo exhibition at the Gympie Regional Gallery, "Junk Debunked."
At present I have no gallery representation.