Elli Schlunke
I started at the deep end, really, working mainly in bronze, which I used to cast myself in my own little foundry. After a friend gave me 80 rolls of yellow and black stickytape a few years ago, I realised I could make sculptures out of just about anything. Suddenly every bit of junk I saw seemed to be brimming with potential. It feels so right, too, re-using or re-purposing materials. Although I've moved towards more durable materials than sticky-tape now, I no longer feel the need to make absolutely permanent objects like bronzes which will most likely outlast the human race. My current favourite materials are plumbing pipes and fittings, and wire mesh sometimes fortified with cement. I am slowly coming back into making more sculptures after a hiatus lasting longer than I had hoped. I love making big things but at present I'm trying to produce smaller ones. I've had the privilege of making some huge pieces for the Woodford Folk Festival including some 3-dimensional signs made from all sorts of junk.

Bronze and corten steel, cast by Chalkos Art Foundry using the "lost rope" method. A tribute to Des and his influence on the Woodford Folk Festival.

At the unveiling in September 2019.

More about Tjuki on his own page, Mammuthus

Small portrait of an historic dog for a friend. My first small work in quite a while, and an inspiration to continue this new method of construction.

cement render over an armature of recycled stuff. 660 high.

Half-sized Highland Cow, now residing at a farm with real ones, ie not made from telephone wires and wire mesh like herself.

I miss my wee coo.

100-year-old fence-posts, copper-plated, timber, very small green rocks and some filling. Perfect corporate foyer piece, base 1600 x 800. Weathered texture preserved forever. Available.

I've recently added some fake turf to protect the pebbles, and re-positioned it in my house to show it off better.

3 metres and 2 metres wide, these suspend over the entry into Woodford Folk Festival since 2016

In 2018 there was a new "Portal" built at the entry to the festival behind my jellies.

2017, Woodford Folk Festival. Little girl making good use of Coral Garden at night. She made me feel there was really a point to making the garden after all.

The 2nd incarnation of the Coral Garden, with fishies by Irene Visser and co. in 2018.

Female polar bear size, (2.4 m. long,) bird wire over steel. Interesting to be able to look right through a form. now residing at Woodford Folk Festival, covered in paper fur.

Chook-sized chook, bird-wire and metal bits. Inspired by fluffy bums, what else? SOLD.

Woven and hanging bass piano strings. Turns with air movement. One of my faves. SOLD.